Elegant White Rose Bouquet: 12 White Roses with Limonium & Ruscus in Black and White
The Elegant White Rose Bouquet is a timeless and sophisticated arrangement that showcases the purity and elegance of white roses. This classic bouquet features 12 pristine white roses, their delicate petals symbolizing innocence, purity, and new beginnings.
Elegant White Rose Bouquet: 12 White Roses with Limonium & Ruscus in Black and White
Product Details:
- 12 White Roses
- 4 Limonium
- 5 Ruscus
- Beautifully Wrapped
The image displayed is for reference only. The actual product may differ in shape, appearance, climate, age, height, and other factors. Plants will be delivered in plastic pots unless the customer explicitly selects a different pot option.
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