Sunny Elegance Bouquet: 15 Sunflowers | Beige Wrapping, Natural Raffia Tie
The Sunny Elegance Bouquet is a radiant and uplifting arrangement featuring 15 vibrant sunflowers. Each bloom, with its golden petals and rich brown center, radiates warmth and positivity. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in beige paper and tied with a natural raffia bow, adding a touch of rustic charm.
Sunny Elegance Bouquet: 15 Sunflowers | Beige Wrapping, Natural Raffia Tie
Product Details:
15 Sunflowers
Wrapped in Beige Color Wrapping
Tied with Natural Raffia
The image displayed is for reference only. The actual product may differ in shape, appearance, climate, age, height, and other factors. Plants will be delivered in plastic pots unless the customer explicitly selects a different pot option.
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