Whimsical Pink Elegance: 20 Revival Roses with Eucalyptus in White and Pink
The Whimsical Pink Elegance bouquet is a delightful arrangement of 20 revival roses, accented with fragrant eucalyptus leaves. The delicate pink hues of the roses evoke a sense of romance and femininity, while the lush greenery adds a touch of natural beauty.
Whimsical Pink Elegance: 20 Revival Roses with Eucalyptus in White and Pink
Bouquet Includes:
- 20 Revival Pink Roses
- 4 Eucalyptus 4
- White Wrapping and Pink Ribbon
The image displayed is for reference only. The actual product may differ in shape, appearance, climate, age, height, and other factors. Plants will be delivered in plastic pots unless the customer explicitly selects a different pot option.
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